On July 15, 2019, the EEOC opened the online portal that employers should utilize to submit the 2017 and 2018 pay data required by the revised EEO-1 form.  

As we reported earlier this year, the EEOC revised its EEO-1 form to add the collection of pay data (Component 2) to the demographic data (Component 1) already required by the form.  Now that the online portal is open, employers with 100 or more employees should begin making efforts to collect and submit the requisite data by the September 30, 2019 deadline.

The portal is entirely web-based, does not require the download or installation of any software, and utilizes a secure method of transferring data over the internet using encryption.  The URL for the portal is https://eeoccomp2.norc.org.  Employers required to file the EEO-1 form should have received a USPS letter and e-mail notification which includes a User ID required to access the portal.

Helpful resources regarding the portal, including Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), a Sample Data Collection Form, an Instruction Booklet for Filers, User’s Guide, and Fact Sheet, can be found at https://eeoccomp2.norc.org.  A HelpDesk is also available to offer additional support and may be contacted at EEOCcompdata@norc.org or 877-324-6214.

As an alternative to the portal, a data file upload and validation process is expected to be available no later than August 15, 2019.  Information regarding the data file upload function is also available at https://eeoccomp2.norc.org.

We will keep you updated on the availability of the file upload process, as well as on any further developments that will assist in the collection and submission of the Component 2 pay data.